To know values is to know the meaning of the market. - Charles Dow
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Add an Indicator to a Chart in NinjaTrader 8

The video below demonstrates how to add an indicator to a chart in NinjaTrader 8 and then how to remove the indicator.

Starting with just the NinjaTrader 8 control panel, we first open a new chart window.

Once we have a chart with a data series, we open the Indicators dialog which can be opened either by right clicking in the background or by clicking on the line-chart icon on the chart toolbar.

In the Indicator panel, remember to double-click your desired indicator before you try to edit its properties.

Click Apply to add or update the indicators on the chart.

There are three ways to remove an Indicator from a chart.

  • Select the indicator with your mouse press delete on the keyboard.
  • Select the indicator with the mouse and right click, then select Remove.
  • Open the indicators dialog by double-clicking the indicator. Then select Remove in the Configure panel, followed by Apply to update your changes.
Watch the Video

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